Florida's legal system strives to ensure the well-being of children of divorce through well-defined child support guidelines. However, for parents navigating the realities of co-parenting, even a minor problem can cause lasting problems. Below, we delve into several...

Steps to collecting child support
Child support in Florida is legally enforceable by the court system. Here is a step-by-step guide to help Florida parents collect the owed amount. Obtain a court order You must first obtain a court order from the clerk of courts in your county. You can file for an...
How child support affects your credit
Various factors affect your credit score in Florida, including the length of your credit history, payment history, and how much you owe creditors. You may wonder if child support will affect your credit score. Here are a few things you should know. When child support...
How is paternity established in Florida?
Being a father is one of the biggest joys for many Florida men. However, if a man has any doubts about whether he is the father of a child, he has certain rights. These are some of the different options available for establishing paternity. Voluntary acknowledgment...
Is it acceptable to withhold visitation for non-paid support?
If you're a divorced parent in Florida, you know that the post-divorce situation can sometimes be difficult. And that's especially true if your ex-spouse isn't keeping up with their child support payments. After months of frustration over late or non-paid support, you...
Telling Your child about your divorce
Divorce in Florida is always challenging. Explaining it to children is one of the most significant issues. It’s important to remember that while this may be a tough time for you and your partner, it's also a confusing and potentially upsetting time for your children....
The importance of mediation in child custody cases
When parents divorce in Florida, child custody is often one of the most difficult issues to resolve. Besides the emotional toll it takes on the family, custody battles can be lengthy and expensive. Family law mediation is one way to avoid the courtroom and come to an...
When you can’t afford to make child support payments
When the judge in Florida issued your child support order, they took into account your ability to pay it based on your and your spouse's financial circumstance at that time as well as your child's needs. Maybe you've been laid off, or your hours have been cut at work....
Unemployment and child support
It is a fact that Florida courts are serious about parents satisfying any financial obligations associated with raising their children, and especially those ordered to pay child support. Child support obligations come first, and courts can even order payments deducted...
What to consider before seeking a child support modification
Florida law generally requires parents to provide financing support for their children. This is typically true even if an individual's parental rights have been terminated. If you are struggling to remain current on your child support obligation, an existing order may...