The truth remains that about half of marriages in Florida will end in divorce. The decision to end a marriage can vary based on many factors. If you’re like most people, you might believe that money is the main cause of divorces. However, a recent study from Forbes uncovered the real reasons why couples now divorce.
Career choices
Work is a part of life for many adults. But it can also be a major source of conflict for married couples. Career disputes were responsible for 46% of divorces in 2021, making it the most frequent cause for a marriage to end. These choices may involve a spouse’s decision to not work or one that works too much.
Differences in parenting styles
A part of life that typically comes with marriage is having children. Welcoming a new life is a source of pride and happiness for married couples. But a new baby can also lead to conflicts. About 43% of marriages end due to clashes over parenting styles, making it tied for the second-leading divorce cause. These disagreements can occur when one parent feels another is too lenient or strict.
Dividing housework
For most adults, work doesn’t end when they leave their jobs. You also have housework that keeps your home clean and sanitary. The more adults, children and pets living in your home, the more housework it needs. According to Forbes’ recent survey, another leading divorce cause is married couples disagreeing about house-related chores. When spouses can’t agree on keeping a clean home, it can leave someone unhappy to pick up the slack.
If these signs are happening in your marriage, that doesn’t guarantee a divorce is the best option. Instead, understanding these causes could help save a marriage in jeopardy.