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Handling complex divorce and family law cases in the Tampa Bay Area, including, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa, and New Port Richey
Handling complex divorce and family law cases in the Tampa Bay Area, including, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa, and New Port Richey
Handling complex divorce and family law cases in the Tampa Bay Area, including, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tampa, and New Port Richey

What are the qualifications for durational alimony in Florida?

On Behalf of | Feb 16, 2022 | Alimony, Divorce |

If your marriage is coming to an end, you need to think about what happens next. This will include preparing the best way to maintain your financial health. You may wish to file a claim for durational alimony. There are a number of qualifications you will need to meet.

What qualifications do you need to meet?

You may file a claim to receive alimony for a certain amount of time after your divorce becomes final. This is alimony that may last for several months or several years. The exact duration of the award will depend on the length of time that you are judged to be in need of it.

The primary qualifications for durational alimony include the length of time that the marriage lasted. The standard of living that both parties enjoyed during the marriage will be calculated. The court will also consider whether alimony will adversely affect the tax status of either party.

Other factors include the age, health and emotional condition of both parties. The court will attempt a realistic appraisal of each party’s earning capacity. The responsibilities that either or both parties have toward dependent children they have in common will also be considered.

How do you determine if you need alimony?

Your legal representative will work with you to determine if you should file for alimony after your divorce. They can help you to decide the amount you should ask for as well as the amount of time you will require it.

It may be tempting to try to punish your former spouse with crippling alimony payments. However, this is an area where it pays to be practical. You should consider your actual financial needs in a calm and realistic manner.